Introduction : Adi Shankara, also known as Shankara Bhagavatpada, was a Hindu philosopher and theologian who lived in India during the 8th century CE. He is considered one of the greatest philosophers of ancient India and is revered as a spiritual leader by millions of people around the world. Shankara was born in a small village in southern India and showed a remarkable talent for learning and spirituality from a young age. He went on to study the Vedas, the ancient scriptures of Hinduism, and quickly became an expert in Hindu philosophy. Shankara's philosophy was based on the idea of Advaita Vedanta, which teaches that the ultimate reality is non-dual and that all individual souls are ultimately one with the ultimate reality. He believed that the goal of life was to attain knowledge of this ultimate reality and to realize one's own true nature as non-dual and one with the ultimate reality. In addition to his philosophical teachings, Shankara was also known for his debates an...
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